Thinly slice baby cucumbers. Peel and thinly slice carrot into half moons. In a bowl mix rice wine vinegar, soy sauce and brown sugar. Set aside your child's plain vegetables then add the rest to the liquid to pickle.
150 g baby cucumber, 1 carrot, ½ cup rice wine vinegar, 2 tablespoon light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon brown sugar
Peel and mince garlic. Peel and finely grate ginger. Measure out edamame and pour hot water over it to defrost. Finely slice green onions, separating into whites and greens.
3 clove garlic, 2 tablespoon fresh ginger, 1 cup frozen edamame beans, ½ bunch green onion
Heat a large frying pan on high. Add oil, beef (broken up into handfuls), whites of the green onions, garlic, ginger, garlic powder and cornflour. Leave for a minute to caramelise, then cook, breaking up until browned (about 5 mins).
3 clove garlic, 2 tablespoon fresh ginger, ½ bunch green onion, 2 tablespoon sesame oil, 500 g beef mince, 1 tablespoon garlic powder, 1 tablespoon cornflour
Add cashew nuts and kecap manis, and continue to cook until everything is well coated. Drain pickled vegetables over the pan so the pickling liquid goes into the pan, and simmer until it thickens into a sauce. Meanwhile, microwave the rice.
½ cup cashews, ⅓ cup kecap manis, 450 g microwave rice
Serve your child rice, edamame, cucumber and carrot, and beef separately. Remove cashews for small kids. Serve adults rice with edamame topped with beef and cashew mixture, pickled veg and green onions.